School Day Timings


Total teaching time each week equates to 32.5 hours.



The gates will be opened at 08:30am.

We expect parents to ensure their children are in their classroom between 8.35am and 8.45 at the latest. This means that the children will always be on time for the close of registration.



AM (and full timers) session timings: 08:30 – 11:30

PM (and full timers) session timings: 12:30pm – 3:30pm.

From January 2024, full-time Nursery children may stay for the additional session (11:30am – 12:30pm) with a packed lunch but for this provision there is a charge in place of £5 to cover staff costs for the extended provision outside of the 30 hours.


Reception – Year 6 Timings

AM Registration
Morning registration closes at 8.45am.

*Children arriving late in the morning (after 08:46am) must come through the Stamford Road gate where they will be given a “late” slip and a late mark will be recorded in the register*


PM Registration

For Reception, afternoon registration closes at 12:30pm.

For Years 1 – 6, afternoon registration closes at 1.15pm.



The gates will be opened at 3pm.

All parents/carers should be onsite and ready to pick up their children when school learning ends at 3:10pm.


After School Clubs

The school runs a range of after school clubs to enhance pupils’ skills.


Wraparound care

Breakfast club begins at 07:50am (entrance is through the Burnham Road gate).

After school club (Rainbows) begins at 3:30pm and finishes at 5:45pm.

N.B. There is an additional charge for these clubs.


Term Dates

For additional information on parent’s meetings, class trips and other significant events, please see the calendar.