*All national curriculum assessments were cancelled for the academic years of 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic*


A summary of our end of Key Stage results for 2018-2019 is shown below with national averages shown in brackets for comparison.

These are strong results that reflect well our children’s hard work and talent.


Early Years Foundation Stage: % of pupils attaining a good level of development (the Expected Standard).







Key Stage 1: % of pupils working at the Expected Standard at the end of KS1 and those working at Greater Depth within the Expected Standard.


Key Stage 2: % of pupils working at the Expected Standard at the end of KS2 and those working at Greater Depth within the Expected Standard, with average scaled scores and average progress scores where applicable.


Nb. boxes shaded  green = at or above national 2019; boxes shaded blue = below national 2019 ; figures in blue show results from 2018 ; figures in brackets show national averages.


For further school performance data you can visit the Department for Education’s website and study the school and college performance tables .