Nursery learning journeys

Every child’s progress is closely monitored at Monteagle in order that we can provide the best possible opportunities and highest levels of support. When children start nursery, staff informally monitor their development and keep detailed records using the online learning journal, Tapestry. This information is readily accessible to parents and carers once pupils enrol. This information is then transferred to reception for the following academic year.

Assessment in Reception

At the start of Reception children are assessed using the accredited baseline assessment, Early Excellence. This forms part of the teachers’ everyday practice where they build their knowledge of each child through observations, interactions and every day activities. They use this professional knowledge to make a series of judgements about each child based on a clear set of assessment criteria.

Children continue to be assessed throughout the reception year also using Tapestry, where staff add information to an assessment profile for each individual. In addition, each child has a learning journey scrapbook containing photos and pieces of work which are available during the year for parents to look at and are taken home at the end of the year.

Year One phonics screening

All children in Year 1 participate in the mandatory phonics screening in the Summer term. This assessment is administered by their class teacher. All parents and carers will receive a statement of results at the end of the Summer term. Any children who do not achieve the expected standard will continue with phonics interventions during Year 2 and resit the screening the following year.


Although Year 2 SATs are no longer mandatory, as a school we have decided that they provide a fair and accurate objective judgment alongside teacher assessments, which will reported to parents and carers as a statement of results at the end of the Summer term.

Year 6 pupils participate in the mandatory SATs tests in May. All parents and carers will receive a statement of results at the end of the Summer term. Each pupil receives an overall result indicating whether or not he or she has achieved the required standard on the test. Anonymised cohort results are reported to the wider community on this website and on the Department for Education website.

To find out more about these tests, click here


What we mean by feedback:

‘Feedback is a key element of the incremental process of ongoing learning and assessment. Providing frequent and ongoing feedback is a significant means of improving achievement in learning. Effective feedback assists the learner to reflect on their learning and their learning strategies so they can make adjustments to make better progress in their learning.’

At Monteagle, our approach to assessment is mainly formative. We believe that feedback should be meaningful, manageable and motivating. Every child will receive daily specific verbal feedback in all lessons as well as detailed feedback once a week in reading, writing and maths. This is the most effective form of feedback. Verbal feedback enables the child to ask clarifying questions, supply further information for the teacher to work with and respond immediately to direction and advice given, demonstrating understanding and affirming learning.

Recording and reporting

Teachers record children’s attainment using the online pupil tracking system, Insight.

When giving feedback during lessons, teachers identify how pupils have achieved against the learning objectives and record this appropriately. This then informs teachers’ planning of further learning.

At the end of each term, attainment is summarised and each child is judged to be ‘below the expected standard’, ‘working toward the expected standard’, ‘working at the expected standard’ or ‘working at greater depth within the expected standard’ for their age.

Parents are informed of their child’s current attainment and progress at each parent-teacher meeting as well as with their mid-year reports and end of year statement of results.