Autism Acceptance Week

Hello, this is Junior, Eunice, Kieran and Olive – reporting live from 6F. We are here to tell you about our amazing Autism Acceptance Week – an important time at Monteagle.

At the beginning of the week, we attended a special assembly hosted by the Sycamore Trust. Two people with autism delivered the thought-provoking talk. During the assembly, they gave us scenarios which helped us understand how people on the autism spectrum experience the world. One thing we learned is that we can support by giving clear instructions and leaving time for understanding. Did you know some people on the spectrum need 6s to process what they have heard? This includes simple instructions such as ‘Take out your books.’

Today, we explored in more detail how people on the Autism Spectrum experience the world differently. We learned that some situations can be more stressful, such as loud noises, bright lights and changes to routines. Moreover, we all came to school dressed and daring to be different, and it was a beautiful way to visually showcase our different styles and interests.

That’s all for now!