This week, Reception children have been continuing to have great fun with the Dear Zoo story. With all of the children now familiar with the story, we decided that we would create our own sentences about the animals in the story. All the children eagerly were learning to think about all the describing words they could use to describe the animals from the Dear Zoo story book. Before writing their words, children practised saying and blending their sounds. They then wrote their sentences using the describing words and also learnt to use the connective, β€˜and’ in their sentences. After completing their sentences writing activities, children read their sentences to their classmates!
All the children now know that a sentence begins with a capital letter, we leave a finger space between the words and usually end our sentence with a full stop.
Well Done Reception for learning to write your sentences!
Children also created homes for the animals, made their animals masks, did animals painting activities and had fun doing role play to retell the story.
It was indeed a very busy week for all the reception children.