Week 2 Recap: Exploring the World of Helpers and Building Skills

This week was an exciting continuation of our exploration into the world of people who help us. After delving into the roles of individuals who contribute to our learning environment last week, such as teachers and school staff, we will eagerly shifted our focus to a vital profession this week – doctors.

Throughout the week, we will delve into the crucial role doctors play in keeping us healthy. We will learn about their various responsibilities, from diagnosing and treating illnesses to promoting preventive care. Understanding how doctors contribute to our well-being broadened our knowledge and appreciation for these healthcare professionals.

In addition to our thematic week, we engaged in hands-on activities to enhance our motor skills and life skills. A highlight of the week was our sandwich-making activity, which not only provided a delicious and interactive experience but also served as an opportunity to develop important life skills.

As we assembled our sandwiches, we honed our motor skills by spreading condiments, layering ingredients, and handling utensils. This practical, fun-filled exercise not only brought joy to our learning but also helped us master essential skills that contribute to our independence and daily lives.

Looking forward, we are excited to continue our journey into the world of helpers, gaining valuable insights and skills that will stay with us for a lifetime. The anticipation for upcoming lessons and activities keeps our curiosity alive, and we are eager to discover more about the diverse professions that make our communities thrive.