Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely half term break and ready for more learning over the coming weeks.

Just before half term, the children were finishing off their book they have been reading, ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. Over the past few weeks, they have been looking at the size of the chairs, the size of the beds and the temperature of the porridge Goldilocks eats.

We had the children pretend to be the bear family and wear bear masks, pretending to find the porridge and complaining about how their porridge had been eaten by someone else. The children had a go at saying the lines from the book, “Someone’s been eating my porridge”, as well as playing and feeling the texture of porridge with their hands. Some of the children really enjoyed playing with the porridge, rolling it around between their fingers, whilst others preferred to use a spoon to push the porridge around the plate.

In other classes, the children were looking at making patterns with different coloured chalk on a black piece of card. They had to make all sorts of patterns and be creative with their chalk marks. The children loved this activity! Although it was very fun, it also got very messy and dusty on their hands, so they had to wash their hands afterwards to make sure they were clean to move onto the next task.

Take a look at the pictures below to see the children in action.