After returning from Easter holidays, this week was a very busy week for reception children!
In the beginning of the week, all the children enjoyed sharing their news about how they had spent their Easter break with their families. They have also started reading a new book, ‘Emily Brown and the Thing’, by Cressida Cowell. This is a charming and hugely funny book which explores the way that children use their imaginative play as a way to deal with their own anxieties and concerns. All the children have been busy writing about their favourite toy. In Maths, children have been learning about practical sharing by using objects such as toys, buttons, items of food, little people, etc. They practised dividing by sharing objects equally. They now know, for example, 8 ÷ 2 could be solved by sharing 8 objects into 2 equal groups. Using a variety of objects helped them to visualise what the calculation means and kept them interested on this new topic.
As our school has been celebrating Autism Awareness this week, reception children have also been learning about how people’s brain work differently. This week, children have also become aware that we all react or approach a similar situation in different ways and it’s okay to be different!
Indeed, this was a very busy week for all our reception children!

It was also lovely to see so many parents turn up for Parents Consultation day which was the very first Monday after Easter break. Thank you for taking your time out for meeting your children’s’ teachers!