The children have been using their imagination this week in some of their lessons to build on their ‘make-believe’ understanding. The children were really engaged with the activities presented to them this week and they loved participating whilst also using the objects and resources to complete the ‘make-believe’ tasks.

As you can see from some of the pictures below, the children were pretending to be at a supermarket or shopping centre buying and collecting food to take home. They needed to choose up to 5 food objects to ‘buy’ from the shop set up for them and then pay for them at the checkout. There were foods that are familiar to the children, for example; bananas, oranges, butter and tea & coffee packs. These were real foods that had been found within school to help the activity become more realistic for the children. They really enjoyed the activity and ‘buying’ the foods.

Other children had to pretend to take part in some baking activities, pretending to bake a cake and cookies to eat afterwards. All the ingredients were there for the children to use and make their ‘cake’ in a kitchen. Again, the children really enjoyed this activity and getting messy in their classrooms.

During all this, some children were doing so well in their maths lessons we wanted to show off their great work too! These children were looking at 2D shapes and colouring them in accordingly to the colours that match on the worksheet. They also had to match some of the shapes by drawing them into the correct boxes. The children worked very well and showed amazing understanding of shapes.