This week, the children have been very active and making a lot of mess in their classes! We have been creative in our art lessons, mixing primary colours (red, blue & yellow) together to make secondary colours, such as; green, purple and orange. The children were painting and filling in a colour wheel to show these colours and how they mix together to create them.

In our science lessons, we were learning how to plant, grow and take care of seeds and plants. All the children were given a pot and some soil to to plant their seed inside. They loved taking part in this activity and really showed care towards the seeds and their growth. They were super excited to plant their seeds and have already been checking them throughout the rest of the week watering them and caring for them.

The same class, during their P.E lesson, were having races and practising for Sports Day. Sports day is still quite a way away, but the teacher asked them to start racing each other and enjoy taking part in these activities, preparing them in advance for this event that will occur later on in the year.

In English, some of our classes were looking at pie’s that is linked to the story they are currently reading, ‘Don’t Put Your Finger In The Jelly, Nelly’. The children were given a pie each to break apart and feel the consistency and texture of the pastry. They were then given another pie to taste if they wanted to explore the flavour of the pies, which were apple flavour. Most of the children tasted and ate the pie, but other children did not want to try them at all.