Reception children have been very busy this week doing lots of learning. They all have been busy reading, writing, doing lots of interaction activities like telling stories to their classmates and building interesting objects using a variety of construction materials. Children in reception had been reading the book, ‘Errol’s Garden’ written by Gillian Hibbs. “Errol’s Garden is a fantastic story about a young boy who lives in a city flat and has a passion for gardening. He discovers a roof terrace in his block of flats, which makes the perfect setting for a roof garden. After lots of planning and research Errol, his family and neighbours take part in transforming this concrete space into a garden that is full of life. The communal effort brings the families and neighbours together and offers them a space to watch their plants grow. After reading this sweet story, our reception children decided to make their own garden, which they did by using the Lego blocks and other construction toys. Children also completed their writing activity which was to discuss what they would like to grow in their garden and then try writing short sentences about which fruits, vegetables or any of their favourite plants they would like to grow in their garden. Children also had the opportunity to go outdoors to explore their reception garden area and learnt  that for a seed to grow into a plant, it needs soil, water and sunlight. It’s been a very busy week indeed!