Now more than ever because of the ever-changing technological world that we live in, it is essential that we equip our children with the knowledge and skills to ensure that they know how to use the internet safely.

Each week, we will be sharing an age-appropriate guide for parents to share with their child when having conversations about online safety, should they feel it is needed.

This week’s guide is about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II. The Call of Duty (CoD) series is a worldwide gaming phenomenon, with millions of copies sold every year. While 2021’s release, Vanguard, wasn’t quite as well received, this latest entry – Modern Warfare II – is proving to be hugely popular. A sequel to the recent Modern Warfare reboot (and not to be confused with the original Modern Warfare 2, from back in 2009), the game is an online shooter which features – unsurprisingly – extreme violence, rendered in realistic graphics. Amid the explosions and potential political nature of the plot, there’s much for parents to be aware of.

In the guide, you’ll find tips on a number of potential risks such as offensive chat/messaging, in-game purchases and addiction.

If you have any questions or concerns about Online Safety, please contact the school office.