Last week was nothing short of magical here at Monteagle nursery! We are thrilled to share that our little ones had an exceptionally smooth settling-in period, marked by endless smiles and laughter (some tears). As we continue to create a nurturing and stimulating environment for our young learners, we’re excited to highlight some of the delightful activities that filled our week.

Smooth Settling, Happy Hearts:

Transitioning into a new environment can be a challenging experience, especially for our youngest learners. However, we are delighted to report that our children settled in seamlessly, with minimal tears and maximum excitement.

Exploring the World through Play:

One of the cornerstones of our nursery program is learning through play, and last week was no exception. Our little explorers engaged in a wide range of activities designed to stimulate their curiosity and creativity. From colourful art projects that let their imaginations run wild to outdoor adventures that encouraged physical development and social interaction, our children had a blast discovering the world around them.


Parent Engagement:

We greatly appreciate the active involvement of our parents in the settling-in process. Your presence, patience, and understanding have been invaluable in helping your children feel comfortable in their new surroundings. Your partnership in their early education journey is something we treasure.

In conclusion, last week was a testament to the nurturing environment we strive to provide . Our children’s smooth settling and enthusiastic participation in a range of activities reflect their growing confidence and joy in our school community. We are excited to continue this journey of growth, exploration, and learning with each and every one of our little stars.