What an incredible time we had at the pantomime! It was a day filled with laughter, excitement, and magical moments that we’ll cherish for a long time.

Year 5 journeyed to Barking Theatre, buzzing with anticipation. The atmosphere was electric as we settled into our seats, ready for the show to begin.

From the moment the curtains rose, we were transported into a world of enchantment. The characters came to life before our eyes – Fairy Godmother Bow Bells charmed us, while Queen Rat and her mischievous rat babies had us cheering and booing.

The real stars of the show were Simple Simon and his hilarious mom, Sarah. Their jokes and funny antics had us giggling and laughing throughout. And let’s not forget the magical story that unfolded before us, a perfect mix of laughter, romance, and catchy tunes that got everyone singing along!

We’re grateful for the opportunity to experience such a fantastic pantomime. Thank you to everyone who made this magical day possible!