The moment you have all been waiting for…

This morning, Mr Marshall and Mr Hardy donned their festive outfits to draw the raffle tickets with the help of some of our wonderful Friends of Monteagle team members.

Again, a huge thank you to the members of our local community for their kind donations of raffle prizes and to everyone who purchased a ticket to support the school.

Finally, the Christmas Bonanza this year has definitely been the best yet and that is all down to the countless hours and weeks of preparation put in by our fantastic Friends of Monteagle. Nearly all of the stalls and decorations were hand made! We have some very talented parents!

A member of staff with children at other schools commented that they wished their child’s school did such wonderful things for their children. How lucky are our children to have a team of parents and staff that put on such a fabulous event for them.

Here are the results:



Here are the winning ticket numbers:

If you are one of our winners, please visit the office to collect your prize 🙂

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at Monteagle. See you on Monday 8th January 2024 for the start of a new term!