Wow Maths Week England is going so fast.  If we were focusing on measurement, we would be able to tell you how long it has been since we have started our celebrations.

Lots of shape works continue to be taking place across the school.  In Year six, the children have been learning about angles, including what the angles add up to in a a straight line, in a triangle and around a point.  Reception continue to compare the amount of objects using the correct language.  Nursery children went on a shape hunt outside and Year 2 have been securing their knowledge of 2D shapes and their properties.

The TT Rock Stars England Rocks Competition has ended with 5F the winners.  They came 21st in the entire country with over 20,000 participating classes.

Overall Winners- 5F

Year 2 Winner- 2CP

Year 3 Winner- 3O

Year 4 Winner- 4W

Year 5 Winner- 5M

Year 6 Winner- 6W

Shape joke of the day: I saw my maths teacher with a piece of graph paper yesterday. I think they must be plotting something.