It’s always a pleasure walking across the school playground at the end of the day and seeing children picked-up by parents, grandparents and carers, met as they are with love, hugs, kisses, apples, oranges, rice-cakes and the occasional, illicit doughnut.

It is rare, but every now and again these warm scenes breakdown. The breakdown often follows a pattern: release from hug – body and bag search – frustrated, frantic questioning – exclamation – taking back of snack – quick march toward the school building. In school we recognise this to mean an item of clothing has been lost.

During the day children move around the school buildings and grounds a great deal: break times in the playground, lunch in the dining hall, assemblies, PE, music, art, a session in another class, a visit to the library. During these times jumpers, coats, lunchboxes and even socks can become separated from their owner and ‘lost’ when the child returns to their class, often completely unaware.

Most of the time these items are returned or recovered during the school day. Of course this is most quickly and efficiently done when a name-tape has been sown into the lost item of clothing.

Unfortunately, when no name-tape can be found, and no other clue to the owner is available, the item is placed in the office as lost-property.

Four weeks into term and we already have a number of unclaimed items in lost property. Some of these are clearly essential items and would be expensive to replace. From now on we shall publish photographs of lost items on this website. We shall do this every two weeks.

Here are the first group of items. If you see something that belongs to your child, please come and get it from the school office. And please, when you get it home, sow a name-tape inside so we can save you the heartache next time.