This week in reception, we continued reading the story ‘Billy’s Bucket’ written by Kes Gray and illustrated with colourful illustrations by Garry Parsons.  This book introduces young children to a variety of marine life. Billy wants only one thing for his birthday – a bucket. Inside it, he can see all kinds of magnificent sea creatures. It’s a humorous story about the power of our imagination!

Children were able to recap the story and they sequenced the story using the illustrations from the book. Children wrote words, short phrases and simple sentences after sequencing the story cards. After listening to the story, they could express views about events or characters in the story and answer questions about the events that took place in the story.

In Mathematics, reception children enjoyed learning to say and use ‘more than’ and ‘fewer than’ to describe quantities. They learnt to identify and know that it is quantity – not colour – that determines if 1 set has more or fewer of the same type of object than another.

This week children also enjoyed outdoor activities especially building a variety of structures using wooden and mega blocks.

Reception children also participated in mental health awareness week, just like all the children in other year groups in our school. They watched the story known as, ‘The invisible strings’, and are aware what mental health and wellbeing means – ‘keeping our minds and feelings healthy is just as important as cleaning our teeth and eating healthy food for keeping our bodies healthy’. After the discussion about their feelings and whom they are connected to-family friends, grandparents, pet and others, they completed their own invisible strings activity worksheet.

All had lots of fun learning, indoors as well as outdoors! Do take a look at the photos attached, which reflect their amazing perseverance and hard-working skills.