Friendships in reception   

In reception, we have been learning about friendships and the importance of being kind. The children have settled well in reception and have established strong friendships. This allows children to have higher self-esteem and are better able to focus on doing well in school without feeling sad and lonely. We cannot understate the value of social and emotional support provided by friends either.

At Monteagle we model good friendship behaviour. Most importantly, we encourage:

Nurture politeness
Practice sharing
Group activities
Books and role play
Encourage and praise


Communication and Language- Children in reception communicate with others, initially through body language and gesture and then in conversations using words. children learn so much by themselves, but they can learn so much more with others.

Physical development– Chasing and catching other children are common and enjoyable ways of forging new relationships, offering good physical scope to practise running, stopping and starting and nimbly avoiding being caught.

Personal, Social and Emotional development– At Monteagle, we learn to be in a group and work together. Children learn tasks of sharing and taking turns in a social context.