We would like to welcome everyone back this week with the beginning of the Spring 2 term. We hope you all had a lovely half term as we move into the final stages of this academic year.

We have jumped straight into our learning this week, with some role playing tasks in our across the ARP. This week, our website post will be based on what the classes have been doing during the children’s English lessons.

As you can see from of our classes, the children were trying to recreate the front cover of the new book we have started reading called, ‘Lullaby Hullaballoo’. They each had to become one of the characters on the front cover, and all sit around the main character, the ‘Little Princess’. All the children were fully engaged in this lesson, which was fantastic to see. Whilst completing this task, to make the lesson feel more like a ‘sleepy’ environment, the teachers played soft lullaby music in the background to help the children get into character and feel more relaxed for the setting.