This week reception children worked hard completing loads of fun-filled Christmas activities along with being extra busy practising for their Nativity concert. To begin with, this week, their day one i.e., Monday, 12thDecember was great fun as it had snowed and reception playground was full of snow. Children enjoyed playing in the snow and made a snowman!

Tuesday,13thDecember was reception children’s Christmas Nativity day! All the children awed their parents, carers and teachers with their amazing performance. It was a real feast for all those who were present to see all the reception children’s amazing singing and acting.

This week children have also designed their Christmas cards and have begun to understand the importance of Christmas celebrations and how it’s celebrated all around the world.

We, the reception year team would like to say a big thank you to all the parents /carers for taking out their precious time to attend our nativity concert. You have truly made our children’s concert day memorable!