In our nursery, every week is an opportunity for learning and discovery. Last week, we focused on understanding the important role of community helpers, with a particular emphasis on doctors. Our aim was to familiarize the children with the responsibilities of these professionals within our society.

Last Week’s Activities: Getting to Know Doctors

We kicked off the week by discussing the different roles doctors play in our community. Through various activities and discussions, the children learned about how doctors diagnose illnesses, provide treatments, and promote healthy habits. We emphasized the importance of hygiene and the role it plays in preventing sickness.

This Week’s Focus: Looking at nurses

Building on what we learned last week, we’re diving deeper into the daily tasks of nurses. We’ve set up pretend doctor’s offices where the children can role-play as doctors, nurses, and patients. This hands-on approach helps them understand the different instruments doctors use and how they’re used to help people feel better.

Looking Ahead: Welcoming a Nurse to the Nursery

Next week promises to be exciting as we welcome a nurse to our nursery. The children will have the chance to learn about the role nurses play in healthcare. We’ll explore how nurses assist doctors, care for patients, and provide comfort and support during times of illness or injury.

Nurturing Understanding and Appreciation

By introducing the children to the roles of doctors and nurses, we’re fostering a greater understanding of the healthcare profession. Our goal is to instil in them a sense of appreciation for the individuals who work tirelessly to keep us healthy and safe. With each week, we hope to inspire curiosity and empathy in our young learners, setting them on a path of lifelong learning and compassion.