Hello, Nursery Class families and friends!

We’ve had a blast this week as we dived headfirst into our brand-new topic: Seasons and Weather. We have been busy discovering the magic of nature’s changing moods. In this week’s update, we’ll take you through some of the exciting adventures and discoveries our childrenĀ  have made.

Our curious minds have been on a whirlwind tour of the four fabulous seasons. From feeling the warmth of summer to crunching through leaves in autumn, bundling up for winter, and celebrating the rebirth of spring, our kids have been having a blast. We’ve been exploring seasons with activities, stories, and crafts that bring each season to life.

Creative Masterpieces:

Art is always a highlight in our class, and this week was no exception. We’ve been making weather-themed art, letting the kids express their thoughts and feelings about seasons and weather through paints, markers, and creative crafts. You won’t believe the imaginative pieces they’ve come up with!

Outdoor Explorations:

Getting outside to experience the elements is an essential part of our learning. The children have had a blast on nature walks, observing the changing world around them.

Storytime and Sing-Alongs:

Storytime and singing are still a big hit. This week, we’ve been enjoying books and songs that revolve around seasons and weather. It’s amazing to see how engaged and excited the kids are as they listen to stories and sing along.