Our children have been really busy with cooking, team building activities and messy play this week. As the days are getting colder, we are trying to stay warmer and the kitchen can be one of the best places to get warm whilst making some yummy, tasty treats.

As part of our cooking curriculum, we are trying to be creative, whilst also teaching the children the skills they will need growing up and becoming independent, young adults. We were making banana and chocolate milkshakes. This was very messy, but the children did amazingly when cutting up the banana safely. Adults were on hand to support if needed, but the children showed great determination to cut the banana by themselves.

Another class made some jam sandwiches! The children were shown how to spread the butter and the jam by the adults in class, and they did really well to complete the task. Some of the children needed some help to spread the jam as it was sticky, but they were excited to make their sandwiches.

Another class were completing some turn taking and sharing tasks trying to complete a puzzle as a team. All the children were involved and worked well together, with one child taking the lead and telling the rest of the children where puzzle pieces go, and giving them a turn to find a piece. They worked really well together, and completed it in quick time!

When it came to messy play, one class were trying to make homemade playdoh! Now, as you can see from the pictures below, this started off really calm and clean; mixing up the ingredients into a bowl whilst adding food colouring to change the colour of the playdoh. Once it had  become sticky enough, we took it out of the bowl and played with it on the table. This is where things got messy. However, saying that, the children loved getting their hands in and dirty with the sticky, stretchy playdoh.

Take a look at all the pictures below to see the children in ‘chef mode’, working as a team to complete a puzzle and playing with homemade playdoh.