Year 5 had an absolutely brilliant afternoon in the sun planting in the flower beds just outside of the school gates. We were lucky to be joined by so many parents who were willing to get stuck in and help us. They worked tirelessly to clear the area of rubbish and assist the children in their activities.

You may have seen from previous website posts that the children have been hard at work over the last couple of months: growing plants, cleaning up rubbish and turning over the soil in preparation for this workshop. We were also joined again by Sushant Bali who works for Barking and Dagenham council and provides education to residents on how to reduce waste. Today he spoke with parents and gave them information about how composting is the best way to manage organic waste as well as handing out leaflets about reusable nappies and Library of Things where you can rent out home utility items.

The children have been brimming with excitement all week looking forward to today. They did a fantastic job of carefully planting up all the different shrubs. It is clear that they have become keen gardeners with a respect for the natural world and their community environment.

We will continue to maintain this area and hope to see it bloom into a wonderful garden space for everyone to enjoy.

Thank you so much again to Sushant and all of the parents who took time out to help us, you made a huge difference to the children’s experience and the local environment. Any parents and children that would be willing to maintain this area by watering over the summer holidays we would be most grateful!

What we aimed to teach the children through this project is that being an active member of the community and looking after our environment benefits everyone. Gardening is a lovely way to connect with other people or disconnect from our busy lifestyles. We want to show the children that they can work together to do small things to help others that have a big impact.