On July 6, 7, 8th year 6 visited the Broadway Theatre for a unique performance of Merchant of Venice.

Marking 400 years since the death of England’s most important writer the play took us throughout the town centre of Barking.

Barking creative group Studio 3 Arts (Who has worked with Monteagle very closely this year) revamped The Merchant of Venice, starring former EastEnders actor Marc Bannerman.

Adapted by writer Ashley Joseph, 29, the modern take on Shakespeare’s exploration of anti-Semitism factors in modern controversies such as tax havens in a performance he says will honour the Bard’s original while making it accessible for all.

“There are a lot of issues still relevant in the play,” he said. “As a new writer I’ve been able to bring something to it and it was a great challenge exploring the language of Shakespeare.”

The children enjoyed the experience. See stills below of the show.shylockimage