This week the children have been exploring art linking to their topics of learning, while creating art that will be used as part of a large whole school display with the aim of bringing colour to the darker months of the year (watch this space!).

Year 1 continued to investigate the use of colour, this time considering using overlapping and adjacent complimentary colours to create contrast- while also painting leaves.

Year 2 developed their understanding of blending, whilst also using collage to create colourful trees.

Year 3 will be working on and considering fonts to display our school’s character virtues.

Year 4 developed a further understanding of the properties of inks, this week using it’s low viscosity to blow ink into tree shapes.

Year 5 used oil pastels to aim to create artwork in homage to the artist Freidrich Hundertwasser, who created beautiful, colourful and strange architecture.

Year 6 took into consideration cold and warm colours used together to create high contrasting images when used with object source lighting (in this case, a streetlight).