What a wonderful way to celebrate the end of the Autumn Term topic of Me, Myself and Everyone by having an art gallery event. The children have been working with our specialist art teacher to create clay ornaments. We first went on a nature walk, using our senses to collect nature items. The art teacher taught the children who to work with clay and how it can be manipulated and moulded into different things. The children used some great adjectives to describe how the clay felt as they worked with it. The children then cut out a square tile shape and then made patterns into the clay by pressing their found nature items into the clay to make an imprint. The clay took several days to dry and we observed the changes that occurred. Once the clay tiles were dried the children painted their tiles and added glitter to give their clay ornaments extra sparkle. Parents and carers were invited to come and look at their children’s work and spent time relaxing and enjoying some delicious nibbles that the children had prepared.