It has been such a busy,and fun, first half term for us all.

We’ve made new friends,explored our new classrooms, and played outside in the garden. We’ve been practicing how to write our name in the cursive style and recognising numbers and amounts up to 10.

In phonics we’ve learnt the phonemes s,a,t, i,g,p,m,o,n,c and k. We also practiced writing the letters and used them to blend into words,using ‘robot’ talk.

We’ve had lots of fun, but we’re ready to have a rest before we begin again after term with lots more fun! Have a fantastic half term everybody.


Some quick reminders: PE day is Monday and all children need a PE kit (black shorts,white t shirt and plimsoles).

Library books are changed weekly so please remember to bring it back on library day ( RW Wednesday , RI Thursday and RY Monday).